Saturday, 1 June 2013

So if I can get such a great detox with you in under an hour why would I have more than one?

This is a question I get asked all the time - not so easy to explain but I thought I'd do my best here!

Ok, so at Tao we have a rather special peiece of equipment - not available in the UK we had to get it imported from America, fully automated (you can operate it yourself in total privacy) it can eliminate kilo's of toxins from your system safely, effectively, naturally and comfortably in less than an hour.

It leaves you feeling refreshed, reviatalised and many people say better than they have in years, so why then do we offer courses at discounted rates?

Well, the detox system we use introduces purified water into the colon where the muscles are stimulated in a very natural but effective way, the water cleanses and tones and gives a deep clean that's very powerful and effective.

As water is absorbed from the colon, over time waste becomes dried on, so we have to soften and loosen it with water before it can be eliminated, and as we're working the muscles too - just like going to the gym, we can only perform the treatment for about 40 minutes before you start to tire, therefore it's almost impossible to get everything out in one go.

The system we use not only detox's the system it also tones the muscles so you gain long term benefits, we work the muscles in a very natural way, so similar to going to the gym, the more sessions you have the stronger they become - only 4% of us have a colon that's the right shape and in the right place, a course would help tone the muscles and help to restore everything to it's proper size and shape.

The way the treatment works also stimulates the liver and lymph system, causing them to dump toxins into the colon where they are safely washed away, as water is continually absorbed the kidneys are flushed too.

We also make the body behave in a way it only normally does when we're ill - anything that causes a discharge is the body's way of detoxing - or deep cleaning itself, and afterwards it goes into a state of hyper repair often giving intense healing, both physically and emotionally.

You also start eating, drinking and coming into contact with chemicals and other toxins as soon as you leave the clinic, so we offer a course at a discounted rate so if you choose to you can have a course carried out in roughly the following way.....

Three within a week - as everything stays soft and loose we can get a very deep cleanse eliminating the deeper layers of waste that have been there for years!

Then another one per week for three weeks - as the colon is very clear, any build up from the last week is quickly eliminated so the muscles can work freely giving a very powerful work out, this very effectively tones the muscles and helps to clean and shrink any pockets that may have formed that
could potentially become infected.

Then another after a month for maintenance, you then come back whenever you feel you need a boost or another maintenance.

Courses are particularly beneficial for people who are undertaking a lifestyle change, or who are looking to correct long term problems such as candida, constipation or acne, or those undertaking a detox or diet.

At your appointments you also have access to highly experienced therapists who can support you and offer whole range of health and lifestyle help.

For more information or to book an appointment visit or call 01920487483, 7 days a week.

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